CrossFit BuckheadCrossFit Buckhead

CrossFit Gym in Atlanta


CrossFit Buckhead is located in the heart of Buckhead - at the end of Miami Circle.

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. CrossFit Buckhead is located and easily accessible from all of Atlanta.

Driving directions:

When you are traveling north on Piedmont Road, Miami Circle is the first street on the right after you pass Sidney Marcus Blvd.

Once you turn into Miami Circle, drive down to the roundabout and turn left. Yes – all the way around and then left. Enter through the big red doors under the “Atlanta Kick” sign.

In the building:

Once you come in through the big red doors, turn to the left. Please check in with the Office in Room 1.

If parking is full:

There is another entrance if drive down to the very end of Miami Circle (going past the roundabout). When you reach the dead end, you will veer left and park in the lot in front of Eclipse di Luna restaurant. You will find an entrance to the building to the RIGHT of the restaurant. Atlanta Kick is located inside. Use the glass doors to come in, walk all the way to the end of the hallway and turn right (You should see the glass window with our name.) Please check in with the front desk or your class instructor.

674 Miami Circle, Atlanta, GA 30324
Open Hours
Mon - Fri: 5:30 am - 8:30 pm Sat: 8:00 am - 12:30pm Sun: 10am-Noon

Areas we serve

Below are some of the areas we serve.
This is not the official scope of our gym but this is where most of our members are from

  • Atlanta
  • Buckhead
  • Midtown

If you don't see your area, don't worry!
We always welcome everyone who drops-by.
Our goal is to make our fitness community bigger and better.

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